Monday, April 8, 2013

Perks of being Single

Lately, a lot of people have asked me questions like, Why are you still single? or Are you still single? And my common answer would be "Yes, because I don't see any problem with that." People did not find it hard to believe because they can see how I live my life and how I enjoy every single day and every single person in my life that God have given me. 

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I've been in a relationship twice and get dumped by them. I don't know how to break someone else heart (or I am just insensitive haha) so it's always them who put an end. Now I’ve been single for a long, long time and I enjoy it because I get to be in a relationship with myself and be happy at the same time. So let me share you some perks of being a single that I appreciate.

Gives you more time for your family and friends.  I am a family person and I would do selfless things for your friends and family. I have a lot of girlfriends and I think, women tend to put the needs of their partner first. Being single gives me more time to hang out with friends. Like in my case I have various group of friends to hangout with.  In my single life, I even missed going out with some group of friends due to lack of time. 

Not having someone else tell you what to do all the time. I am no longer a baby and I can take care of myself. I can travel alone or with friends , boys and girls, without asking permissions (except from my parents) and without explaining every detail of the errand. Your partner tends to become an investigator who keeps nagging you. Then you will end up arguing. No curfew or whatever rules bf/gf usually have. I can spend as much time with my guy friends without worrying someone’s gonna get jealous. I can be as adventurous as I want to.

Less expenses. I can go buy things without someone asking me how much it cost. I don't need to set budget on anniversaries, birthdays, Christmas, Apology dinners, valentines day, etc. Or spend for fashion and style to keep me look good. No need to get a phone plan, or load phone everyday.  Most of the time my mama is the one who buy load for me because I don't have anyone to text or call except my family and occasionally my friends. 

Less heartaches and headaches. Come on girls, save your tears :) I’ve had enough with heartbreaks and drama. And I don't think I can handle such right now. You can also skip dealing with jealousy, insecurity and anger. 

I am not saying it's better to be single, of course it's a case based decision. So that's it.  I only have top four on the list but I gotta say the I also have reasons why I am single (different case from above).  But when the right time comes, I will have only one reason for everything, and that is because of love. :) 

"Single is not a status. It is a word that best describes a person who is strong enough to live and enjoy life without depending on other people." -

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