Wednesday, April 25, 2018


This was not my son's first time riding a plane but it's his first time traveling out of the country. We booked our fight thru Philippine Airlines. Once your kid turned 2 and up he has to pay ticket already. Our destination was Singapore which is approximately 3hrs flight so you need to bring toys or save some videos in your phone (if the plane does not have minitabs) for them to play and be tamed. We went early in the Airport and my son was already active for 6AM flight so we played like run from each other and hide and seek because if I do that he'll get tired and sleep in the airplane while en route which happened and of which I am thankful. 

Ryan does not want to bring the stroller because he thinks it was hassle and heavy but I insisted because I know my son, he always wants to be carried by me even if I told him to go to his papa he just want me. I cannot imagine myself roaming and walking in Singapore carrying my son for hours. It's so tiring and most of my friends who went there said that there's a lot of walking tour in Singapore. You can bring strollers and it will not be counted as baggage and you can take it to the Boarding area and hand it over to the airport staff before entering the plane. Stroller is very useful in travelling with a child. In Universal Studios Singapore you can rent a stroller if you need one but why not bring from Ph if you have so you can save. It's not much of a hassle because the streets are stroller friendly as well as their buses and trains that you can move you strollers in and out unlike in Philippines. It also keep your child safe while you walk around and also stop them from running away. You can also put things like you bags, water, etc it really offers us convenience and efficiency.

You also need to make sure you bring right amount of Milk and right quantity of diapers. My son is already potty trained but he needs to be assisted going to rest rooms. Most of the time in Singapore he uses diaper because I am not sure if rest rooms are always accessible and we move around a lot. When I checked that i might run out of diapers , in the last day when we were in Singapore Botanic Garden he only use diaper while taking a nap , then I just ask him to tell me if he's going to pee so we can go to the rest room. I opted to bring diapers because it's so expensive in Singapore.

For packing list, since Singapore has a warm weather I brought cotton shirts and sleeveless for my son. I always bring extra clothes for him in my backpack so he can change clothes after long hours of touring the City.

That would be all for now. I will be posting separate blog on our experiences in our trip to Singapore.

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