Saturday, April 6, 2013

Elementary School Memories

My elementary years were so fast I could just recall few details. I could say I did not enjoy my elementary years that much and I don’t know why. Maybe because I don’t have regular friend/s. Every year I joined different set of class and I became friends with my seat mates but not best friends and they excelled or moved to advance section after a year then I am left behind. My mother kept on encouraging me to take up an admission exam for the SPED Class (Fast Learners) but I insisted not to. My thought was that I don't belong to that kind of students. It’s not that I judge them in a negative way, it’s just that I don’t want to be serious, I’m young and wanted to enjoy life and I hate pressures, I think that my lifestyle does not go with as well. Before I forget everything, I am writing things that are still fresh in my memories.

I used to be a bully when I was in elementary. I had a friend also named April, thus my classmates and teachers called us by surname. I don’t know how we became close friends but I thought she was cool. We did things like stepping on someone else shoe laces then let them tripped, poking anyone from lower batches, and laughing to some people doing nothing to us. I was so mean. Hahaha In second grade I hated my seat mate  he’s so boastful, he thinks a lot of girls are after him including me. When he kept on talking while in class and while we’re having a test, and I could no longer contain his bragging, I grabbed my sharpener and my pencil, (I can still remember how strong I sharpened the pencil), and when my pencil was fiercely pointed I stabbed it to his legs. (Ouch!) Then the next day I was at the Guidance Councilor’s office. Call me crazy but it was Cool!  I forgot what grade I was when our back seat mate poop inside the class. (Eow!) Until now I still can’t forget that one. Hahaha He said he wasn't able to control and was afraid to ask permission because we’re having an exam. Well, when I'm nervous my stomach does play up but not to that point. Hahaha In grade school it was common to celebrate your birthday with the whole class, like you’re going to throw up a mini party for the class and bring a lot of food and paraphernalia and the celebrant will be the central character of the day. There was a kid from our class, not a close friend, who celebrated her birthday and as usual I was so happy because of the food. There was no program but me and my friends were laughing, talking about good stuff then this celebrant happened to be seated in front of us. My friend throw up a big joke while I am sipping a juice, and the next thing I knew, I spilled out my juice into the face of the celebrant. I can’t believe I made the birthday girl cry! It was funny and awkward but more funny than awkward hahaha.  In grade six I cheated to one of my classmates and told her if she will not let me cheat I’ll slap her. She refused, I did not slap her but I grabbed her paper and copied her answers then she cried. Then she shouted like "Maam si April kinuha yong papel ko". I just smiled and funny thing was the teacher did not scold me. :p Good thing is, currently we’re still friends.

Ok enough about that and let’s go talk about my crush in elementary. I only had one crush and it only lasted for one school year. I was in grade five then and he was grade six. Well, I was attracted physically. He’s so cute, mestizo  a dancer, and everyone knows and likes him. Like any teenagers, I was dumbfounded by his chic. I won’t talk much about him coz he’s not a material part during this period of my life, but I could say having a crush on this boy thought me something. That people should be admire not base on physical looks and what you heard about them. (What I meant to say is that he’s not worth it. His attitude sucks that time) I can still see him now and he’s doing well, far from what I imagined him to be.

Unforgettable teacher, she had to be the meanest teacher of them all. Honestly, I forgot her name, but what I do remember was her yelling at me inside the class “where is your commons sense” repeatedly. (Maam I left it at home, please pardon me!) Well, she’s now dead. Rest in peace maam, and thanks for that lesson. Grrr I hate oral recitation.

Mean Girls, of course they will always be present in every elementary school. But luckily for me I don’t get in trouble with them because I am not weak like the others. I manage to be friends with them but not blend with them.  I used to think they were close friends but they back fight each other when one is away.

I did not cry on graduation day. I was scared. Scared of what’s ahead, of where I will be next. But life goes on and I know I have no other place to go to highschool but SNS (Samar National School). 

That would be all for my elementary years. 


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