Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Boracay: Sweet comeback

I've been dreaming of going back to Boracay for more than a year now so when I saw the Seat Sale on TigerAir without hesitation I booked for me and my two other sisters. :) It was my birthday gift for them.

Last time I was there, I enjoyed a lot but it's more of work and socials with my friends at work. Now I want to enjoy Boracay as Tourist. I want to experience water activities and its night life because it seems to be so exciting.

We arrived in Boracay July 14 and picked up by the travel agency. It's not cheap but it's hassle free after all. Next time I'll do it DIY way. :) 

This one weekend trip made me fall in love again with the fine powdery white beach, diverse marine life, and hospitable people.  I can't wait to come back next year!

Helmet diving! There is so much pressure in it I thought my head's gonna explode. The helmet is so heavy! But of course before you go inside the water the guide will brief you on what to do and not to do. When we were down the water, we fed the colorful fishes which was the highlight of this activity. It was fun but scary at the same time thinking that water might get in you helmet, you can experience pain in your ears, and makes your heart beat. But the secret is to enjoy the scenery and do not panic. If you have heart and ear problems, i think you should not try this.

Skimming is not my thing. Hahaha I've tried Baler surfing and I think I did great job in my first surf experience but this one is different from surfing. I tried many times but I was not able to make a perfect skim. I only stop when I realize my tutor is already tired. hahaha Lesson learned "wag mo ipipilit ang di para sayo".

When you try Flyfish , you'd say Banana boat is boring! hahaha This is so much fun than you think and worth every centavo you pay. You will be pulled along by a speedboat and will make your raft turn you sideways, up and down, and make you drop into the water. I think its their goal, that all of you drop into the water. Which is cool! haha Its safe even for non swimmers since you have life vest. This activity is located in Bulabog beach which is just located in the opposite side of the white beach.

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