Thursday, April 18, 2013

Realizations @ 25

I can't believe I just turned silver this April 2013. The thought of turning 25 is a little bit heartbreaking.  All your life, you look forward to being eighteen so you can legally enter bars and drink, be in a relationship, and go wherever you want to go. When I was in high school, I envisioned myself that by the age of 25, I am already married, working my way up to becoming a manager, and was able to travel around the country. I start thinking about all the things in life that I haven't done yet. I am still not real sure about wanting to become what I've become. I still haven't traveled to Batanes (my dream destination)... I'm still not a manager...I'am still single.

The Birthday Girl
However, there are things that I realize looking back. For my 25 years stay in this universe,  I was able to survive life challenges since you can see that I was able to find time and resources to share my stories. I made friends a lot of friends of which some I don't recall the names but shared memories with them. I've been to places I never thought I'd visit.  I met people, amazing people. I became stronger, independent and smarter. I have learned plenty of things along the way. The world have thought me that it's not how many technical knowledge you know and memorized, and its not also how many promotions you get in two years, or even if you get six digits in your paycheck, or how many thousands of friends you have in facebook,  and its not even how many parties you attend, its not also how many dozens of flowers and chocolates you receive on valentines, its not on the brand of your clothes, bags, heels or wheels, or how many countries you've been to..Everything is Senseless and Futile.. What most people put their efforts to are here now but will be gone tomorrow.. what really matters is that you know and believe that Jesus died for you and your relationship with him is true.. I think that we measure each other too much by our status in life, especially our financial status.  But people should put in mind that there is more joy in relationships, than there is in owning things.  Be less demanding and possessive and everything will go a lot smoother because there is more to life than what you're worth financially.

Now after these realizations, I can positively say that at 25, I am still single - yet happy and just waiting for God's right time, not real sure about wanting to become what I've become - but enjoying life pleasures, and my bank is not full of savings but i'm full of memories. There are a lot of things to be thankful, like me having a job, being healthy, experience many things and been to places, have meaningful relationships, and many more. So I realize, what is there to be afraid of turning 25?! I should be excited for many things that are about to happen. 

Since I am only five years away from being thirty, I decided that every month this year, I would do something exciting and new, maybe travel to a new place or do something I've never done before. Cheers to turning 25!

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