Sunday, December 9, 2012

The night is young and we're in Tagaytay

It’s Octoberfest and everyone is ready to get drunk! To experience something different from the usual, me and my highschool friends planned an out of town trip.  We just want some fresh air, enjoy a short stroll for a break and of course drink. All in manila chapter were invited but only four of us confirmed. Attendees were me, Carls, Jireh and of course my travel buddy, Karen.
Along the way
The J Boys
We met up in Gateway Cubao where we also bought our food and drinks. After an hour of waiting for Jireh (what’s new, he’s always late), at last we begin the road trip.  It was Carlo’s first out of town driving and we all don’t know the route. But he’s prepared with a printed itinerary and a drawing of the route. This boy is so keyed up. It was already dark when we left Manila and I fell asleep during the travel. Of course it was just a short nap. Passing by Nuvali in Sta. Rosa, Laguna, we noticed big replica of beer bottles, fireworks and party people. Laguna was awake and noisy. After a while we already reached Tagaytay.
Getting ready
The cold breeze of air and the ambiance was relaxing.  Our first stop was at the Aguinaldo Highway with overlooking Taal Lake (it is more stunning at night), and we ate our dinner at Carlo’s Pizza, the food was satisfying and reasonable in price.  It has al fresco dining area that overlooks the panoramic view of Taal Lake. 

Looking for a place to stay consumed most of our time but it was quite an adventure. If I remembered it correctly we inquired more than five hotels and inns because it’s either fully occupied or expensive. What I clearly remembered was a post in a corner of the street stating “Room for Rent” and Carlz drove along to find that place. Time check; it was already 11PM. The place was quite, we found the same sign in one of the houses there and Jireh get off to check if the room was still available.  I was surprised to see him running towards the car telling Carlo to start the car. It made me and Karen nervous then suddenly a DOG barks at us furiously. Hahaha I can still remember it.

Again we keep on searching for a place to stay.  We saw another sign for a Hotel and rummaged around for it (I decided not to disclose the name of this hotel just to be safe). I asked Carlo and Jireh to where we were heading since I’ve noticed it was a long drive and all I see was wide spaces, no more houses and fewer lights.  The boys were talking to each other but I can sense that they’re a little bit worried. Finally we arrived in that hotel. It was different, the night was silent and dark and the hotel was all alone in that area.  The gate was open and as we entered we looked at each other with doubtful minds.  The door of the hotel was wooden and the windows are all opened. There was no one in there. Jireh instructed everyone to lock the car doors and windows. That creepy hotel seems something that would vanish in the morning. Carlo backed off before anyone get off the car and before someone get out from that hotel. Again, we drove our way back to the main road for another search.

The Place

Okay enough for that.  We finally found the place for us, The Fame Hotel.  When I am about to get off the car I screamed because of what I saw that was more disturbing than the hotel earlier. It was a big spider inside the car and I almost touched it, see that was sooo eow! It’s a big spider like half of my hand! I hate spiders!!! And they all laughed at me. The hotel was affordable, clean, the room is good for six persons, and accommodating staff. Let the drinking session begin! So we had couple of drinks, talking up all night until we sleep.

Then, it's breakfast time!

We went to Mahogany Market for breakfast. This place is a Tagaytay's famous stopover or a place for break in the journey of travelers. There's a lot of food stalls and carinderia in Mahogany Market. Carving for fresh beef bulalo!? If you're not into Bulalo, you can also try some other Filipino dish in the market. My favorites are bulalo and crispy dilis.

Bulalo and Crispy Dilis

View from the top

After the breakfast we went to Palace in the sky where you can see the majestic view of the Taal Lake and Taal Volcano. Well, sorry I only have the above picture.  It is very frustrating to come across a great photo opportunity just to find out that you have run out of batteries.  It was my second visit to that park and I could say that the park was more remarkable then.

On our way back to Manila we stopped over the outlet store at Paseo de Sta. Rosa. I was able to buy a dress from Style Benetton for Php600 only from P3,000.  Isn't that great!? I have to go back for Ninewest and explore other stores.

Now its time to go back to reality. The epic road trip that took place was memorable, from start to finish. The epic road trip of you and your best buds that consist of doing one or more of the following; food tripping, getting startled by a barking dog, killing your most hated arthropod (spider), finding a creepy hotel in the middle of the night, instant shopping, and discovering that it's not the destination that's important, but the journey. 

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