Saturday, December 1, 2012

How it all Started

Finally! I am actually starting to blog. I am not a natural writer but been a blog reader for a long time and I've realized that I should start writing about my life and my thoughts. I feel as though I've been waiting a while to blog. My urge to blog started when I watched "A moment to remember" and "The notebook", movies where one of the characters loses memories. (been watching too much romantic movies hahaha)  I realized that what if I  lose my memory, that would be painful and tragic. I want to create a memory bank. Somewhere I could document my life and adventures. And then someday, I will share this to my children and other people who love me. It's good to have something that reminds you things you've done, places you've been and people you've been with. Furthermore, I realized that I have grown in the past few years in my professional life, now is is the time to rejoice.  It's only now I have the lacks of time to travel and experience more of the world. 

You might ask why "wandering gangster"!? I love wandering because it gives me new insights and learnings.  I am not a home buddy, as much as possible I want to go out and experience new things. I have random thoughts and would also like to share them. Gangster may literally means someone who is in a gang. Real gangsters are those behind crime, blackmarket trade, beatings and assassinations, etc. But for me and some of my friends, we use the term gangsters to people who are on the loose, those who are slack and relaxed.

Sure I could do this in private notebook but it's too old school, what fun could that be? Blogging will help me document my life in sequence and I can look back , reflect on how I evolve over time. 

So wish me luck and if you don't enjoy reading it, that's fine. 

Thanks and regards, 

Wandering Gangster

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